About Authentik
Authentik is a system that greatly enhances security and convenience in registration, authentication and authorization processes during access to online services. Traditionally, people usually use different accounts for different services, and are usually advised by service providers to use a different complex password for different accounts. Typically, users would end up in forgetting and resetting passwords.
With Authentik, the login process is simplified to just “scan and confirm”, whereby security is elevated by the adoption of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
Authentik eID
Authentik seeks to revolutionize the use of eID for all users, in terms of security and convenience in registration, authentication and authorization processes.
It is a solution designed for banking sectors, brokerages, e-government, and systems that require the use of eID. It eases the trouble of implementing and maintaining secure cross-platform identification systems.
For end users, it simplifies authentication and authorization to merely “scan and confirm” on a smartphone.
Authentik 2FA
When using an offline token or a software token, end users are required to copy certain numbers or sequences from the token to the computer. This is extremely inconvenient from the end users’ point of view and is prone to involve human errors.
Authentik 2FA is a new authentication method combining convenience, security and privacy, to replace the traditional mechanism.
Our solution only requires end users to install our app onto their smart device, and load an Electronic Identification Certificate (EIC). Holders of EICs will be able to authenticate into various services swiftly by “scan and confirm”.
Our design fulfills two-factor authentication, by “something you know” and “something you have”. End users are required to secure their smart devices by a passcode, password or pattern (“something you know”), and to perform authentication with their smart device (“something you have”).
Project D
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